Political Dynamics Heat Up as Riley Moore’s Poll Numbers Fall & West Virginia for Life’s Unprecedented Endorsement Raises Questions

Charleston, WV  September 20, 2023 — After confirmation that West Virginians for Life’s (WVFL) would send out questionnaires to all candidates in the WV-2 race and would hold their endorsement until March of 2024, WVFL has hastily “decided to make an exception” seven months ahead of schedule, confirmed WVFL staff member.  This decision could give the appearance of a calculated political deal or a quid-pro-quo, rather than an unbiased review of all candidates. It could give the perception that the organization deals in political favors with WV political power brokers. Why was an exception made and did the pressure come from Shelley Moore Capito or was this a desperate act from a candidate falling in the polls?

WVFL preemptively endorsed Riley Moore, seemingly to bolster his dwindling support, before the official filing in January. West Virginia Statewide Q3 poll suggested that Nate Cain had gained significant ground in the race (+7.96%), with Riley Moore’s support declining (-13.92%).  

Nate Cain added, “It is indeed perplexing that WVFL overlooked Riley Moore’s close association with Democrat pro-abortion operatives during their endorsement process. Riley Moore’s former role as Vice President at The Podesta Group, raises questions about his alignment with figures like John Podesta, who played crucial roles in Democratic administrations, including Hillary Clinton’s Campaign and in the current Biden administration.  It prompts us to question the motive of their early endorsement of a Yes-Man to WV’s political dynasty.” Wanda Franz, the President and Executive Director of WVFL, becomes a focal point in this controversy. Questions arise as to her advocacy of endorsing Riley Moore so early and without considering any other candidates. Cain has demonstrated his unwavering Pro-life stance by authoring The Parental Bill of Rights to West Virginia’s Legislature, which includes important provisions to prevent schools from engaging in out-of-state abortion trafficking.

West Virginians want a representative who will prioritize their interests. Cain is a voice for the people and is gaining ground, causing unease amongst the political elite. He remains focused on working for the people and standing against political cronyism. 

“West Virginians want change. We need a true representative of the people who will not succumb to political pressure and establishment interests.  As the primary gets closer, one thing is clear, I represent an existential threat to the political elite.  West Virginia is not a club for political dynasties. I am offering the people of West Virginia a chance for a new era of representation based on results, honesty, forthrightness, and action,” Cain declared. “I am here to serve the people of West Virginia, and I am just getting started!  It is time to Raise Some Cain!”

For media inquiries, please contact:
Communication Director

Nate Cain for Congress
Contact: 844-750-0364

Nate Cain is the FBI Whistleblower written about in the Daily Caller. The information he blew the whistle on is described in the Durham Report, submitted to the Judiciary Committee, the Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham, page 78. After facing retribution for being a whistleblower, Nate Cain relocated to WV where he has since rebuilt his life.  His cybersecurity company, Cain & Associates afforded Nate the opportunity to work extensively on election integrity, having been called on as an expert witness and cyber forensic investigator by the Donald Trump White House in the 2020 election. Nate Cain is now running as a Republican Conservative for US Congress in WV-2, @NateCain4WV

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